Class to manager MYSQL for Harbour/xHarbour
Custom Search

sábado, 3 de julio de 2010

Actuazalicion / Update

Nueva Actualizacion

2 nuevos errores internos / 2 new internal errors

> tdolpqry.PRG
* Mejorado METHOD BuildDatWhere(), ahora hace la conversion a un string valido para ser usado en una sentencia mysql
enhanced METHOD BuildDataWhere(), now convert to create a legal SQL string that you can use in a SQL statement if is necessary

> tdolpsrv.PRG
- METHOD Insert parameter lTransaction, is not necessary
- METHOD Update parameter lTransaction, is not necessary
+ METHOD MultiQuery( aQuery, lTransaction ), to execute multiples queries, ideal to transactions
+ FUNCTION BuildInsert( cTable, aColumns, aValues ), return a INSERT command with specific data

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